Swarmcheck APP
is a computer-assisted argumentation platform that helps people working on a common challenge have productive discussions. The system supports the group's collective intelligence in analyzing complex problems and coming up with the best, legitimate solutions.
Key Features
Research on collective intelligence leads to a clear conclusion: equal access to voice ensures a better decision. Social hierarchy, fear of speaking in public, personal likes and biases cause the loss of valuable perspectives in the discussion. That's why every argument in the Swarmcheck system is anonymous. All that matters is the quality of the argument!
Weighing the argumentation
The system automatically examines the structure of the related argumentation, so you can see the conclusions of the discussion in real time. If you don't agree with the current assessment, no problem - add your arguments and see how the score changes for everyone!
Unlike many other AI-based systems, all discussion conclusions are transparent. As a result, you know what goes into the reasoning behind given decisions, and the path of reasoning can be precisely critiqued at any time.
S.O.L.I.D. Arguments
Intelligent algorithms support the user in formulating his or her thoughts in such a way that the arguments entered are as useful as possible to others, and the knowledge created together is consistent and precise.
Reusing reasoning
The hundreds of discussions collected in Swarmcheck's database allow you to identify arguments that have already been formulated in the past and use them to map your discussion. This allows you to benefit from knowledge developed by other users. Find inspiration or learn critical comments from others to help you find solutions to your problems!
To the best of our knowledge, Swarmcheck App is the world's only such advanced digital argumentation support system that supports decision-making.
What were the Swarmcheck App applications?
Argumentation is so common in our lives that we often don't notice how much we rely on it. The common point of these applications is good decisions. Thanks to the Swarmcheck application, we have already conducted many projects for strategy, research, education, participatory public policy-making and combating disinformation on the Internet. You too, on your own or with the support of our specialists, can see how your group will benefit!