Delphi method - a way to make better business decisions through collective wisdom
Making business decisions is challenging. Especially when the stakes are high and the available information is incomplete or ambiguous. In such situations, we often rely on the opinions of experts. But what to do when different experts have different opinions? How to choose the best solution when everyone looks at the problem from a different perspective?
Argument mapping - why, what, and how?
Have you ever realized that you and your opponent are talking over one another during a heated argument? Introducing argument mapping, a powerful method that can transform the way you approach conflicts, whether you're a seasoned debater or just trying to improve your critical thinking abilities. In this article, we'll go through the fundamentals of argument mapping, provide examples, and show how it can be applied to settle disputes and clarify difficult subjects.
Russian Propaganda Myths - “NATO Enlargement Threatens Russia”
This time we take on the myth that NATO enlargment somehow threatens Russia in a military or strategic sense.
To Russia, with love
First installment of our series in which we fact-check and dismantle Russian propaganda’s misleading claims on the war in Ukraine, as voiced by ordinary Russians in chat room conversations.
Map of Putin’s argumentation
Interactive argument map show manipulations in Putin's address made before the Russian invasion on Ukraine. Read about the methods of disinformation used in his speech.
How to build a truly modular system (or organization)?
Everybody talks about the modular approach to building large systems. But what does it actually mean?
In today’s article, I will try to share modularity-related insights that might be useful not only for your development teams but also for your entire organization.
Staying cool when talking about global warming
We all know it: cold weather makes the discussion about global warming more heated. When weather is commonly mistaken for climate, it's the role of experts and educators to ensure the quality of debate. But how? Here are some experiences I've made.