Career at Swarmcheck

Join a team of passionate individuals who want to improve the rationality of public discourse by developing an innovative discussion platform. project

How aims to fight fake news?

Problem to solve

The problem of fake news has become increasingly worrying in recent years. According to an analysis by MIT researchers, fake news spread through Twitter about 6 times faster than true ones to a group of 1500 people; moreover, false information is 70% likelier to be shared compared to truehoods (Vosoughi et al., 2018).

Open online platform is the first neutral open fact-checking platform in Poland, which is integrated with social media. Via argument graphs and collective intelligence, the platform helps to verify information, banishes harmful generalisations, and provides a place for structured and bias-free discussions.


Fact-checking driven by collective intelligence

The endeavour aims to stop the deterioration of public discourse. Effectively combating the increasing polarisation of society as well as disinformation can only be achieved via properly designed technology, education, and fact-checker network creation.

Social education

Other initiatives, such as critical thinking workshops and fact-checking trainings, will be carried out along the project. These activities provide even more people with the tools and knowledge needed to oppose fake news.


presentation on — our effective fact-checking solution: job openings

We are looking for young enthusiasts and domain experts who want to cocreate tools for combating fake news.


If you want to contribute to the project in any other way, please email us at